How the sun can boost our motivation

21 March 2022

It’s hardly surprising that our mood improves on a sunny day, often resulting in increased motivation and higher productivity. That feeling of renewed energy in the Spring is the perfect time for reflection – to take stock and consider what you want from life. To ask yourself whether your career is fulfilling and allowing you to live life the way you want to live it or if things need to change.

Having just had a quick trip to London to see Moulin Rouge, it was wonderful to feel like a part of the world again after a long 2 years. The sun shone, the sky was bright blue and London looked very handsome. The weather forecast on my trusty app looks mighty pleasing for the week ahead and I am enjoying having the doors open whilst enjoying the view with my cup of tea as I write this. The sun is the best natural source of vitamin D and we only need a few minutes of sunlight a few times a week to notice a difference. The increase in serotonin is associated with better mental health and a higher quality of sleep and those feelings of relaxation may help to boost happiness by bringing down  blood pressure.

Take 5, sit in the sun. Contemplate life. With everything that is going on in the world, make sure your life is everything you want it to be. If it’s not, change it. And if you want help to change it, contact me - Michelle Seaman-  and I will help you.