New Year, New Job!

4 January 2022

The New Year prompts many of us to consider change and for some it is a time of new beginnings. In these times of Covid, you may still be reluctant to travel and because of lockdown you may feel your home has benefitted from enough DIY projects! So, you may be one of those people who feel you would like a new career.

As with any resolution, unless you make changing careers a goal you are more likely to fall at the first hurdle. It is useful to try and work out what you want from the change in the first instance.

So ask yourself:

 “ Why do I want to change jobs?” If you don’t know what the driving factor is then you may struggle to decide what to do next. Are you feeling restricted where you are or feeling undervalued? Are you bored and feel you want to learn something new? Do you feel you are in the wrong career all together? Consider what is motivating you to make this change.

“What do I have to offer?” So often, we look at a job description and feel we can do the role standing on our head. But it is important to ensure you are a good match for the skills the employer needs otherwise you can spend a long time applying only to be ignored in the process. If the role is a departure from what you are doing, look at the skills needed and how you fit them. Consider how you may have acquired the skills in another way – through hobbies, volunteering or activities outside of work. Sometimes you can do something simple (like exam invigilation in order to evidence schools experience in my case) to appear like a credible candidate.

 “Have I got the experience?”Sometimes we just lack a little self-belief and the confidence to go for it. But sometimes you may need to be a little realistic with your expectations as employers today often require experience, which can be so frustrating especially if you are just starting out. Whichever camp you fall in to, try to be open about what you have to offer. Sometimes changing your career may mean a bit of a ‘re-boot’ and a sideways move.

“How do I go about taking the first step?”Well, you already have! By considering your motivations, experience and options you can begin to formulate a plan. You can seek out the opportunities available and put together a CV that is relevant for the roles you are drawn to. Keep track of your applications and try to have a structure around your job search. Research the companies you are applying to and make sure you do your homework if you are invited to an interview.

Since we've touched  on things you can do to improve your career,  if you need support then consider talking with a Michelle Seaman, Career Coach who can give you professional advice along with a realistic view.